jeudi 29 janvier 2009

John Updike dies at 76

I noticed this news in the New York Times. When I was in the States, I have read his several books. Unfortunately, his expression was too sophisticated for me. Here is an interview done 3 months before his death. He looks very good and it is unimaginable that he would die soon.

John Updike: A Life in Letters

mercredi 28 janvier 2009

Immunologist Dr. Shiv Pillai: newly evolved?

Yesterday, during a surfing at the Institute, I came across his name. If my memory is correct, we have exchanged a few words more than 10 years ago. His name is Shiv Pillai, a Harvard immunologist. This time I found his new talent for poetry and music. He can rap immunology! And he is a real entertainer. I loved his performance.

Shiv Pillai: Lymhocyte Rap
To see the lyrics: Shiv Pillai: Lymphocyte Rock

Shiv Pillai: Ode to Ben and Jen

mercredi 14 janvier 2009

Le dernier cours du semestre 1

Hier, il y avait le dernier cours du semestre 1. Comme japonais, je voulais saisir ce moment. Voilà mes collégues. Après, une petite fête avec champagne proposée par prof. JG. C'était une journée intéressante qui avait commencé par l'arc-en-ciel.

jeudi 8 janvier 2009

Bonne année à tous !

Que 2009 vous apporte le bonheur, le succès,,,